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My suggestions and opinions.

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:43 am
by Kawaiiest Desu
First off I'm loving the game so far and am excited for a full version. I have done 2 playthroughs so far, one up to the boss on floor 3 I believe, and one up to a game crash at floor 10 by disabling the boss and running through all 9 floors. I may have missed things so sorry if any of the suggestion are already in the game or are things that are already obviously going to be addressed.

*Book of healing should be rarer/cost more mana -after I got it a few floors in on the second playthrough food became useless as I could fully heal almost after clearing most rooms.
*More room layouts - this is one I asume will already be worked on but after a few floors the rooms are very samey.
*More enemies - same as above.
*Trolls shouldn't flinch - I took a bit of damage the first fight then started jumping back to avoid his swing but when I realized I could hit him and it canceled his attack he could no longer do damage to me.
*Merchants or a way to send items to the surface to sell - a few floors down and I had to avoid picking up items or constantly drop them.
*Backpack item to increase carrying weight - same as above
*Unique weapons/armor as rare drops
*Downwards arial attack
*Secret rooms not shown on map unless entered - would give reason to search all rooms even if marked as dead ends on the map

That's all that immediately came to mind, I can't wait to see this game evolve into something great.

Re: My suggestions and opinions.

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:31 am
by Linkshot
Game crashes occur when the level gets generated outside of the map boundaries. It can happen as early as Floor 5, and is all but guaranteed on Floor 10.

I'll counterpoint your suggestions

Book of Healing: I found one and promptly sold it because the stockpile of food I end up gathering actually wastes my Weight and I need a reason to eat the food.
More room layouts: Can't complain here
More enemies: Yep
Trolls: Knives have a stunlocking issue in general.
Merchants: Would definitely enjoy something like a quick warp every 5 floors to get to town, do stuff, and get warped back.
Backpack: Wouldn't realistically increase carrying weight. I'd say make it an equip, like the Power Bracelet in Zelda.
Unique Equipment: Maybe, but I think gold items serve this well already.
Downward Aerial: Maybe make a spear weapon type that does this in midair and stabs up on the ground.
Secret Rooms: Definitely. Would introduce hammers or explosives to find them, too!

Re: My suggestions and opinions.

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:31 pm
by KevinS
Yeah, Trolls seem way under powered to me. Technically, they're not finished yet so I assume they'll be tweaked later. Also, secret rooms would be awesome. :)

Re: My suggestions and opinions.

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:36 pm
by James
Trust me, we'll give you a reason to try and hit every wall ;)

Re: My suggestions and opinions.

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:43 pm
by kevinski
discordgames wrote:Trust me, we'll give you a reason to try and hit every wall ;)
Are there breakable floors in the game, as well? The reason I ask is because some floors looked to be somewhat suspect, but I didn't have a means of hitting them at the moment. :P

Re: My suggestions and opinions.

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:04 pm
by TobiasAmaranth
I think Book of Healing will balance itself out once more variety is added.

I didn't realize that stunning was an effect of knives. I have just gone the sword route and one-shotted everything, including the troll. My suggestion to knives/daggers is a drastically increased critical hit chance.

Merchants/way back to town = omg please. And tying into things, carry weight should be increased by either constitution or strength. Likely Con. Just, something like that isn't implemented.

Uniques will likely be added, but my concern is that blue/gold items do not offer even a fractionally increased sell price at the moment. I'm not sure how useful merchants/vendors will be in the future but I'm hoping for some unique underground towns of reptiles, mole people, or other such anthropomorphic races.

A mid-air 'ducking' attack could be nice. I'm still trying to figure out what the advantage to the roll ability is. I assume it will be needed to get through tight spaces but currently that is not possible, proven by the fact that I can't get the treasure that ends up underneath the ( \ ) + ( |) ledges.

Secret rooms, yes. Poke every wall, no. I'd like there to be some sort of visual clue to such things, because I'm an obsessive gamer and I -would- poke every wall. :P But that's just my opinion.

Re: My suggestions and opinions.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:30 pm
by HowlingLotus
TobiasAmaranth wrote:Merchants/way back to town = omg please. And tying into things, carry weight should be increased by either constitution or strength. Likely Con. Just, something like that isn't implemented.

Secret rooms, yes. Poke every wall, no. I'd like there to be some sort of visual clue to such things, because I'm an obsessive gamer and I -would- poke every wall. :P But that's just my opinion.
For Merchants they could follow a similar formula that Torchlight and Diablo use in the sense of randomized wondering merchants. Maybe even a random chance that they can perform some sort of service depending on how the final game works out. (Item Upgrades, Stat Potions, Rare Items, etc)

I wouldn't want the walls to be extremely obvious, but obvious enough for anyone paying attention. Cracks or a symbol, but wouldn't want to see it sparkling for example :lol:.

Re: My suggestions and opinions.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:43 pm
by Nemomon
I like the idea of "hidden" rooms that are not hidden any longer once one will enter them. I mean, they're not hidden at all if one would explore the dungeon (he would even not know that he just entered a hidden room), but these rooms would not appear on the map if the scroll of revealing was used.

Along with real hidden rooms and breakable walls.

Depending of the storyline of the Chasm (there's a book of healing and a book of blades, therefore we can consider that at least basic magic exists in this world), Chasm would feature portals to different worlds like Castle A, and Castle B for example in Castlevania HoD too.