MonoGame upstream just uses OpenTK, which has approximately long.MaxValue problems on Linux (and only about uint.MaxValue problems on Windows). SDL 1.2 is used for joystick input as well as Song playback (SDL_mixer), but not for anything else.
If you're having trouble with Chasm's MonoGame branch, use this one instead:
This one should fix most of the display management issues in exchange for having different, but much less painful, display bugs. Believe me when I say this: You cannot, and will not, ever be able to do OpenTK window management correctly. Ever. Period. Don't waste your time on this for any reason. I'll explain further in a moment.
You'll also find in there a MonoKickstart environment. I've included this, the libs and a launcher script (./Chasm) that will give you working, standalone 32/64-bit support without any need to install deps on the user's side. There may be some extra libraries you don't need (TheoraPlay is one), but this is just my completed environment just in case.
I'm working on fixing the display bugs with an SDL2 port of MonoGame, but I'm currently working on this alone, so it'll take a little while (unless someone else comes in to help out, of course...). First up is writing SDL2#:
Then doing the MonoGame work, which will happen here:
Note that the monogame-sdl2 branch is probably broken. Use the `develop` branch instead; that's what the chasmLinuxPatch dll was built from.
A couple things worth noting, not sure if these are bugs or not:
- Music doesn't work. For MonoGame Linux, you're going to want to use Ogg Vorbis files. Don't worry about adding the file extension in your game code, we append ".ogg" by default.
- Exiting the game: any way to do it other than closing the window/Ctrl+C?
You have my e-mail, so let me know if you come across anything else odd with the Linux demo.