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Suggestions regarding spell descriptions (Spoilers, I guess)

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:54 pm
by RetroNutcase
So, having gotten most of the spells, I like them, but I feel considering what you pay for them early on the lack of a description is a bit harmful to quality of life, because you may not necessarily know what a shuriken will do when you buy it. To that end, I think the spell descriptions could use some flavor that explains what they actually do. some examples:

Knife: Throws a small blade straight ahead.

Axe: Lobs an axe in an upward parabolic arc, it pierces through foes and passes through terrain.

Molotov: Throws a molotov that burns the ground where it lands for continuous damage.

Shuriken: Throws a shuriken at a 30 degree upward angle.

Shield: Summons three orbiting shields that can stop most projectiles and also damage foes.

Re: Suggestions regarding spell descriptions (Spoilers, I gu

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 8:55 pm
by James
That's great feedback, thanks! We'll look into rewriting those before we have translations done.