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Super World Karts (mode-7 indie kart racer)

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 6:23 pm
by inclining
Hey folks,

I found out about Chasm from other games I backed on Kickstarter, and I am really glad I did, so I thought I would share another game here which I just backed in the hopes that it finds some fans who appreciate it here too. Also, I got permission from Discord before plugging it :)

Super World Karts is a kart racer in the style of Super Mario Kart, with the "Mode-7" style 3D effects we all remember and love from the SNES. It has a bunch of original characters along with crossovers from other indie games, including the Canabalt guy and Shovel Knight.

As someone who spent tons of hours on Super Mario Kart, this was an instant back for me and I figured given the pixel art nature of Chasm, and the multiple discussions we've had on these forums about favorite old console games, there might be a good audience for this kind of thing.

Phew, ok, plug over, resume normal nerding out about video games...

Re: Super World Karts (mode-7 indie kart racer)

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:06 am
by trebeles33
Maybe it will be a good game, I will try it out!