Chasm Animation

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Chasm Animation

Post by Jerstah » Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:25 pm

Hi, I must say that the animations are fantastic, as is the art work. I have a few questions about the Idle stance if you don't mind. How many frames is it and how many frames is running per second? I am an aspiring animator just learning, any info on why you chose to animate this the way you did would be greatly appreciated!!

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Re: Chasm Animation

Post by James » Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:38 pm

Hi! Glauber Kotaki did that idle animation. It's actually pretty long because we added blinking to the character to give him a little more.. character. Its 23 frames long now (I think maybe it was 12 before?), and we play it at 17 frames per second in the game.

I've attached a clip for your reference, hope that helps! (sorry loop isnt seamless)
idle.gif (104.35 KiB) Viewed 5088 times
Here's without looping also, might be easier to tell how it cycles..
idle2.gif (19.6 KiB) Viewed 5088 times

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Re: Chasm Animation

Post by Jerstah » Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:50 am

Thanks James, the info will help alot. I was under the assumption that 10 was good enough to have a smooth animation. I was wondering why my character looked so stiff. Glauber Kotaki is a fantastic pixel artist, I cant wait for this game to come out. I haven't been as hyped for a game since EQNs unveil in the fall of 2013, and turned out to be a big corporate mess. This game has nostalgia written all over it :D
