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Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:56 am
by Vilis-Farthuk
Yo, I saw you guy's at MAGfest and fairly liked the game when I played it, but the soundtrack EP that y'all were handing out is what really sold me. Los Abysmos is just such a fantastic track. I showed the trailer to a friend of mine who is big into Rogue Legacy, and just from that he said he thought it looked better, and that's because it IS.

Just make sure to remember to fix that opening story so we don't have some guy who is kinda wishy-washy and heel-draggy about saving his home suddenly rushing off to save his home :)

Re: MAGfest

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:18 pm
by elektriccobra
agreed, yesterday i was in the catacombs and the music was perfect, part of it sounded like a slow motion fugazi song! (which is funny cause the label is dischord...ha)

Re: MAGfest

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:33 am
by danny500
yesterday i was in the catacombs and the music was flawless, a piece of it seemed like a moderate movement fugazi tune.